Learning Labs are thrilled to announce they have been awarded £50,000 to develop a workplace English language platform which will enable companies with a high number of workers without English as a first language. According to UK government rules, employers are responsible for ensuring that migrant workers understand all the concepts of health and safety that are relevant to their work, even if there is a significant language barrier.
This can be complicated especially if there are high number of home languages and no other workers who can accurately translate directives. Also, even if companies can find a way to impart this information, there is no guarantee that it has been understood as required by law. Learning Labs® will now be working directly with organisations to create content within the platform that specifically addresses their needs.

Who are UFI?
UFI are a charity that are committed to supporting the delivery of adult vocational skills through digital technology.
They said: ‘Our focus is on the ‘unloved’, those professions, communities, industries and skill levels that are undervalued or under supported – where we believe we can have most significant impact.’
‘We aim is to create a community of developers and learning providers that are working at the cutting edge of learning technologies to ensure that vocational learning becomes an attractive market for future investment. We will invest in projects that have the potential to achieve scale and can show real impact in the world of vocational learning, where our funding will make a significant difference to the number of people gaining skills and the way in which they learn.’
Learning Labs® will now work for the next 12 months to create a beta version of the Workplace English platform. There are already 4 companies helping to develop this, including Lander, an aerospace parts company and the car manufacturer, Jaguar Land Rover.
If you know an organisation which might be interested in piloting the platform for free, please get in touch.