FlashAcademy® is proud and excited to announce that we have been given Supporting Member status by the Council of British International Schools (COBIS).
Established over 30 years ago, COBIS’s purpose is to, “provide quality assurance in member schools via The Patron’s Accreditation and Compliance, represent member schools with the British Government, educational bodies, and the corporate sector, provide effective professional development for senior leaders, governors, teachers and support staff and facilitate, coordinate and support professional networking opportunities for British International schools”, according to their website.
So, what does this mean for FlashAcademy®?
COBIS is essentially the link that brings schools worldwide in cohesion with businesses such as ours. This gives us the opportunity to bring FlashAcademy® EAL and MFL services into schools in the UK as well as worldwide. Continuing to increase the number of pupils we can help. It will allow the furthering of pupils’ abilities and attainment when studying English and other modern foreign languages through the use of games and activities.
FlashAcademy® is available to access on a smartphone, tablet and PC/laptop and accelerates English and foreign language acquisition through curriculum-mapped lessons, challenges and games which simultaneously teach and test pupils. Features include the object translator, which can translate any object into English just from a picture taken by the user, a real-time leader board where pupils compete for the top spot, an exciting range of word games to test pupils’ understanding, as well as the ability to learn English from 38 different home languages. To find out more, click here.