With the growing number of Covid -19 cases in the UK and some schools already closed as a precautionary, the government is under pressure to deliver stricter measurements like school closures. Virtual education became the alternative to face-to-face teaching in China, where cases are finally slowing. Now, schools in the UK are preparing to do the same.
International Support
Earlier this year, FlashAcademy® was implemented into a remote E-Learning model at Britannica International Shanghai. As teachers across the globe were unable to return to the country, and children stuck at home, the platform was introduced to overcome language challenges between some of the students and parents during the period of distance learning. The FlashAcademy® platform is also being used by the British School of Milan, as a way to remotely teach pupils during the lockdown period in Italy.
About the platform
The language learning platform helps with English as an Additional Language (EAL), Modern Foreign Language and whole-school literacy. Teaching the UK Primary and Secondary curriculum, the app boasts an independent style of learning so that less one-on-one time is needed from the teacher, and the children can continue learning at home with their families. Teachers can set assignments remotely and track the learning progress of their pupils via their own teacher dashboard.

Preparing UK schools
Used by hundreds of schools across the UK, the EdTech company is now working closely with these schools to help with extended closure strategies that will support their pupils. Anderton Park Primary School has a pupil population speaking over 30 home languages. Pupils frequently use the platform alongside established classroom methods to help master general vocabulary, grammar and literacy skills. Now, the school is looking at ways to transfer the classroom to home and take advantage of the platform’s independent learning features. Deputy Head Claire Evans commented:
“We already see how well families use FlashAcademy® to support learning in English as an additional language. More recently, we have used the platform to teach French in school, however, children love it so much the usage continues at home on tablets, phones, laptops, and PCs. As we look ahead and make plans for possible school closure, FlashAcademy® will certainly form a central part of our strategy of how we continue the learning process, albeit in a virtual way.”
Claire Evans, Deputy Head at Anderton Park Primary School
Learn more about how FlashAcademy® can support home learning provision for pupils with EAL in our latest blog posts.