As distance learning becomes the ‘new normal’, the loss of a school environment raises concerns that there will be fewer opportunities for EAL pupils to continue their English language acquisition. We recognise the challenges to ensuring all ability levels and needs are catered for during this difficult time. We have created free home learning resources, a collection updated weekly, to help maintain the momentum of language development for pupils with EAL.
It might be worth keeping this blog post in your favourites, as we will be regularly updating with more FREE home learning packs!
Home Learning Project Packs
Providing up to four weeks of work, these project packs have been put together with parent-friendly instructions and a range of activities to keep EAL learners engaged. The packs cover topics from storytelling and literacy to geography and UK culture, with even an EAL pupil podcast opportunity so that EAL pupils can continue their English speaking skills at home, and at their own pace.

Download the pack for FREE here.
Home Learning Maths & Literacy Packs
This pack has been designed to support younger and new-to-English learners, equipped with parent-friendly instructions. In the Maths pack, you will find worksheets and suggestions for Maths games and activities. It also includes a couple of worksheets for numbers and shapes in easy Spanish to keep primary school children engaged with languages. The Literacy pack provides worksheets and activities on phonics, word types, and sentence building.

Download the pack for FREE here.
Home Learning Creative Story Writing Pack
Again, this pack is suitable for younger and new-to-English learners. These worksheets have been designed to help guide EAL pupils through the process of story writing – from setting the scene and character description, to plot development and reflection. This is a great opportunity for pupils to activate their creativity from home and to even get the parents involved!

Download the pack for FREE here.
Home Learning Study Skills Pack
This free pack will help to develop home learning study skills for all pupils in Key Stage Two and above. Independent study can be an overwhelming challenge for some children. These resources will help both pupils, and their parents, to keep on track and manage home learning. Provides numerous activity trackers, graphic organisers, and worksheets to help develop their time management and organisation skills!

Download the pack for FREE here.
Reading Comprehensions: English & Maths
We have created two packs, Beginner English Reading Comprehensions, and Intermediate Maths Reading Comprehensions. The English pack is suitable for new-to-English learners in KS1/2 and will help to improve literacy and comprehension skills through poetry writing. The Maths pack is suitable for KS3/4 learners with advanced English proficiency and uses Maths to help improve literacy across the curriculum.
The reading comprehension texts and questions are part of the in-app FlashAcademy curriculum reading comprehension lessons. Contact us for more information on how our app offers bespoke support for EAL home learning.

Alternatively, have a browse of our extensive list of free EAL and MFL resources including our EAL welcome pack and remote learning pack for EAL learners!
Further Home Learning Support for EAL Pupils from FlashAcademy®
Teachers and parents can visit our Educator Blog page for more ideas on home learning activities, which we share frequently over on our Twitter page. These include ideas to keep children motivated, home PE activities for EAL, and using different EdTech strategies. Again, this blog page will be updated weekly!
The FlashAcademy® platform is supporting schools in China and Italy to help with the language challenges for some of the students and their parents during this period of remote online learning. We are also working closely with UK schools and their temporary closure strategies to support EAL pupils, as well as pupils with MFL and literacy needs. Read more on our news page.
If your pupils already have access to the FlashAcademy® app, they may have noticed our brand new Wow Words lessons. These will teach pupils ambitious vocabulary to help improve their reading, writing and speaking skills. We’ve also created a supporting resource, Wow Words Activities, which offer animated flashcards, crosswords and extension tasks to help reinforce understanding and embed the words into memory.

We also have the Home Learning Study Skills pack, suitable for all pupils in Key Stage 2 and above. These resources will help both pupils, and their parents, to keep on track and manage home learning. Download your free pack here!
Get in touch for more information!
All of the FlashAcademy® HQ Team are now working remotely to help slow the spread of the virus, but we can still do everything we need to support schools and help them to continue learning for their pupils during these challenging times.
If you would like to learn more about how we can help or have any suggestions about more we could do, please do drop us an email to team@flashacademy.com. Make sure to follow us on Twitter, too!