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FlashAcademy® Platform Update September 2020

FlashAcademy® HQ has been working hard over the last few months to bring exciting new content in time for the new academic year. Lessons and features have been carefully developed with our schools, colleges, charities, and education support groups in mind, to provide the best support for pupils with language needs and accelerate skills that may have been lost during school closures.

Custom Lesson Builder

FlashAcademy®’s Custom Lesson Builder allows teachers to create bespoke lessons for both curriculum content and more basic vocabulary. Available for EAL, MFL, and English for schools and workplaces, the process will allow custom lessons to be created for both individual students and groups of learners. This is particularly useful for subject curriculum teachers who want to further support their EAL students by creating bespoke lessons, as well as for EAL leads to create personalised schemes of work to save time and assign to learners throughout the year.  

Fluency Boost Lessons

The new Fluency Boost lessons offer targeted error correction for some of the most challenging aspects of English. The lessons include when to use the verbs ‘make’ and ‘do’, the difference between adjectives such as ‘boring’ and ‘bored’, and when to use different prepositions, such as ‘in’, ‘on’, and ‘by’. The Fluency Boost lessons target common mistakes by EAL pupils due to inference from their home language. Following a grammar-style lesson structure, these lessons incorporate difficult aspects of English from across the curriculum; they are also useful for native English speakers to improve their literacy skills. Lessons are accompanied by our Fluency Boost resources: BeginnerIntermediateModalsHomophones, and a Currency Symbol Poster

MFL Phonics Lessons

Teaching phonics as part of an MFL curriculum can have far-reaching benefits on the outcomes of language learning. FlashAcademy®’s MFL phonics lessons help pupils with pronunciation practice and give them the ability to read any text they come across and pronounce the words correctly (decoding). A handful of ‘Tricky word lessons’ will encourage students to test out their newly learned skills on difficult words in the target language.

Breaking down all the key sounds in the target language gives pupils the opportunity to try out their pronunciation skills in a low-stakes environment. The lessons give pupils the tools for phonological decoding so students can improve their ability to read unfamiliar text, enhancing independent learning, confidence, and general literacy skills.

FlashAcademy® is offering free trials and virtual demos to help schools to explore how it can support them to deliver a targeted catch-up intervention so need for pupils with EAL at this time. Click here to book your free trial or get in touch with us at for more information.