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Free Webinar: EAL and Language Awareness


Free Webinar: EAL and Language Awareness

Looking for FREE CPD to support your EAL pupils? Join us for our third LIVE webinar!

Join Helen Shelton, our EAL Specialist, and you will learn:

  • the theory of second language acquisition and language pupils encounter within schools
  • awareness of how your use of language can affect EAL pupils’ understanding and how to adapt your language effectively.
  • how to identify and plan for specific language learning outcomes within curriculum subjects.
  • This will be followed by a brief Q&A.

This webinar is particularly suitable for primary or secondary teachers of any subject who want to learn more about how to support EAL pupils. It may also be useful for teaching assistants, new EAL teachers or more experienced EAL teachers who would like a refresher. 

Date and Time

Jun 30, 2020
Watch on demand.

