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ASCL Primary Conference 2020


Developing a primary curriculum to inspire a love of learning

ASCL Primary Conference 2020

FlashAcademy® is the preferred supplier of the Association for School and College Leaders. For the ASCL Primary Conference 2020 their focus is the curriculum, particularly as this is also a key element of the new Ofsted Education Inspection Framework introduced in September 2019.

Whilst the new Ofsted framework might initially appear daunting, it does also present positive opportunities for primary leaders to redesign their curriculum to give all children the skills and knowledge they need as they progress in their education and their lives.

Nicholas Bailey, Actor and Education Ambassador for FlashAcademy® presented his talk on ‘The classroom is a stage: a dramaturgical approach to unlocking learning and communication’.

Date and Time

Jan 30, 2020
08:45 - 16:30pm (GTM)


West Midlands