As part of our campaign on the connection between EAL and wellbeing, we’re curating insights from educators worldwide with the aim to spark a discussion around EAL and belonging, social integration and assessment. Find out more about our work on EAL and wellbeing.
In this guest blog, Soofia Amin, Assistant Head Teacher, Specialist Lead in Education for Multilingualism at Kensington Primary, part of The Tapscott Learning Trust Academy, shares her insights on fostering a whole-school approach to multilingualism and multiculturalism, highlighting the positive impact on students’ confidence and identity.
FlashAcademy®: How does your school embrace multiculturalism and diverse cultural backgrounds? What effect do you think this has on your students?
Soofia: We have a whole-school approach to multilingualism, which embraces multiculturalism and diverse cultural backgrounds. Having a whole-school approach with everyone buying into this vision – leadership team, staff, support staff – makes a big difference because children come in and don’t feel shy of their language or culture.

I noticed a big difference in our pupils’ confidence in their identity. Now children or students always talk about their languages confidently and can speak about where they are from, which is really important because when children are not used to talking about it they often go quiet or they shut down a bit. I love the fact that children know their identity and background and are proud of it and they have a place for it here.
FlashAcademy®: Why do you think it’s important for parents to get involved in their child’s education?
Soofia: We cannot do it without parents. Parents need to buy into what you are doing and understand how learning works – and that they need to do something that will supplement and support what’s happening in school.
For example, parents being able to reinforce the learning at home in their home language or ask important questions about the learning in their home language is really beneficial for our pupils. Parents can facilitate some really amazing home learning with their children.
Even if it’s as simple as reading the text from class at home, there are easy wins to be made and parents need to understand the importance of good communication and conversation in their strongest language at home.
For more information on the link between EAL and wellbeing, visit our webpage.