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Beyond words:
Connecting EAL and wellbeing

Shaping bright futures for our EAL learners

Wellbeing lies at the heart of EAL.

We're exploring the deep connection between English language learning and mental health, offering research-backed insights and real-life stories to nurture a brighter, more supportive future for EAL learners.

Join us in shaping a brighter future for EAL learners, where wellbeing and English language learning go hand-in-hand.

Schools that embrace multiculturalism and diverse cultural backgrounds foster a positive school environment.

One-size fits all testing doesn’t work

Flip to see how are we changing it!
Problem: Regular testing helps to identify where EAL students need support.
Solution: We provide detailed and digestible reports to help teachers understand student progress.
Problem: Poor test results lead to feelings of inadequacy.
Solution: Students are not shown a timer or how they have scored.
Problem: Continuous exposure to high-stakes testing environments can lead to stress.
Solution: Our adaptive assessments help to make students feel like they aren’t being tested.
Problem: Tests can help to set clear goals and benchmarks.
Solution: We allow you to digitally assess all four skills quickly and effectively.
Problem: The constant pressure to improve language skills and perform well can lead to burnout.
Solution: Our assessments are fun and engaging.
Problem: The pressure to perform well in tests can lead to stress.
Solution: We provide adaptive testing with questions that get easier or harder depending on the answers provided.
Problem: Misinterpretation of test results can lead to inaccurate placements.
Solution: We use auto-marking to help mitigate biases and standardise marking.
Problem: Testing environments should be supportive and low stress.
Solution: We’re committed to providing a student-first assessment experience.
Active involvement of families and communities in a student’s education can enhance the wellbeing of EAL students and help them to perform better academically and socially.

What does the research tell us?

Explore key evidence and insight from researchers in the EAL space, highlighting that the link between EAL and wellbeing is a recognised issue, and not just our perspective. These research findings underscore the need for effective EAL support to drive academic success, positive mental health and sense of belonging.
A 2019 study found that cortisol levels rose by about 15% during high-stakes testing weeks compared to non-testing weeks
Heissel et al., 2019. “Test-Related Stress and Student Scores on High-Stakes Exams”
Feelings of inadequacy among students are particularly pronounced in EAL students who face additional challenges due to language barriers.
The Bell Foundation, “Effective Teaching of EAL Learners”
Exams stress can have long-term detrimental effects on mental and physical health.
Heissel et al., 2019. “Test-Related Stress and Student Scores on High-Stakes Exams”
The constant pressure to improve language skills can cause students physical and emotional exhaustion.
The Bell Foundation, “Effective Teaching of EAL Learners”
Active family and community engagement in the educational process of EAL students significantly improves wellbeing.
Goodall, J., & Montgomery, C. (2014). Parental involvement to parental engagement: A continuum. Educational Review, 66(4), 399-410.
EAL students often face higher levels of stress and anxiety compared to their native-speaking peers.
OECD. (2015). PISA 2015 Results (Volume III): Students' Well-Being. OECD Publishing.
EAL students who have supportive friendships with native English speakers report higher levels of happiness and school satisfaction.
Han, W. J., & Love, J. M. (2016). "Language of instruction and peer relations among EAL students in U.S. elementary schools". International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 19(4), 423-441
EAL students with higher English proficiency are better able to integrate socially and form meaningful peer relationships.
Dijkstra, E., Walraven, G., Mooij, T., & Kirschner, P. (2017). The influence of EAL on peer relationships and social integration. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(5), 703-718.

Real stories

At the heart of every EAL journey are the personal stories that bring our mission to life. Explore real-life experiences from teachers, students, and schools worldwide, showcasing the profound impact that effective EAL provision and a focus on wellbeing can have.
Any human is incapable of learning and retaining new information if they are in a dysregulated state.
Hollie O’Sullivan
Associate Assistant Headteacher - EAL and Reading, Fortis Academy
Read the full story
We have a school ethos and policies that outline the school's positive view of multiculturalism and diverse cultural backgrounds as an asset.
Chris Woodhams
Former Assistant Headteacher at St Joseph’s International School Malaysia, Consultant and Trainer for EAL Inclusive
Learn more about Chris's approach
Testing environments should seek to reduce stress through being open and transparent in the assessment process.
Paul Richardson
Principal at King’s Tirana
Find out how Paul addresses the challenges of high-stakes testing
We have a whole-school approach to multilingualism.
Soofia Amin
Assistant Head Teacher and Specialist Lead in Education for Multilingualism at Kensington Primary
See how Soofia promotes multilingualism at school
I have loved seeing the improvement of my students’ wellbeing when they realise that they are safe, understood and cared for.
Hollie O’Sullivan
Associate Assistant Headteacher - EAL and Reading, Fortis Academy
Learn about Hollie’s approach to wellbeing in EAL
A child’s education develops best where there is alignment and positive interaction between school, parent and child.
Chris Woodhams
Former Assistant Headteacher at St Joseph’s International School Malaysia, Consultant and Trainer for EAL Inclusive
See how Chris engages families in EAL learning
Having a whole-school approach makes a big difference because children come in and don’t feel shy.
Soofia Amin
Assistant Head Teacher and Specialist Lead in Education for Multilingualism at Kensington Primary
Find out how Soofia empowers student identities
Remember that EAL learners are climbing a mountain that is twice as high as anyone else’s as they need to learn the content at the same time as learning the language.
Hollie O’Sullivan
Associate Assistant Headteacher - EAL and Reading, Fortis Academy
Learn about Hollie’s work with supportive EAL assessments
With clear, achievable goals, students are more motivated and should know and be able to articulate what they have achieved.
Chris Woodhams
Former Assistant Headteacher at St Joseph’s International School Malaysia, Consultant and Trainer for EAL Inclusive
Explore Chris’s methods for holistic EAL education
Many students experience stress during assessment periods and this can result in emotional meltdowns and pressure on teachers to change grades.
Paul Richardson
Principal at King’s Tirana
Discover Paul’s strategies for low-stress testing
I love the fact that children know their identity and background and are proud of it here and they have a place for it here.
Soofia Amin
Assistant Head Teacher and Specialist Lead in Education for Multilingualism at Kensington Primary
Discover Soofia's insights on cultural pride
All learners, with the right support, should rise to the expectations that are set for them.
Hollie O’Sullivan
Associate Assistant Headteacher - EAL and Reading, Fortis Academy
Read Hollie’s insights on the importance of clear learning intentions
When measured in purely quantitative, summative ways, students do not see their individual progress or successes, they unfortunately just see a number or grade that can be compared against other numbers or grades.
Chris Woodhams
Former Assistant Headteacher at St Joseph’s International School Malaysia, Consultant and Trainer for EAL Inclusive
Learn more about Chris's approach to EAL assessments
Testing environments should seek to reduce stress through being open and transparent in the assessment process, moving from summative to formative methods and assessing skills as well as knowledge.
Paul Richardson
Principal at King’s Tirana
Discover Paul’s views on the impact of EAL assessment stress
With a whole-school approach, children or students can talk about their languages confidently and can speak about where they are from, which is really important because when children are not used to talking about it, they often go quiet or they shut down a bit.
Soofia Amin
Assistant Head Teacher and Specialist Lead in Education for Multilingualism at Kensington Primary
Learn how Soofia integrates multiculturalism into the curriculum

EAL tools to support wellbeing

We’re committed to providing a wealth of additional resources to support teachers and EAL students alike. From CPD training to free educational materials, we offer tools that go beyond the classroom, empowering educators with strategies, insights, and practical support. Our resources are designed to enhance EAL learning and wellbeing, helping you create an inclusive environment where every student can thrive.

EAL and ESOL praise cards

Our EAL and ESOL praise cards offer immediate recognition of students’ progress and achievements, motivating both academic success and positive behaviour. Designed to celebrate specific EAL and ESOL milestones, praise cards foster a sense of accomplishment and belonging, while reinforcing our commitment to building a supportive EAL and ESOL community. By recognising wins, big or small, we help students stay engaged, motivated, and proud of their language learning journey.

Think praise cards could be useful for your students? Get in touch to learn how you can bring them to your classroom!

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Continued professional development (CPD)

Our comprehensive, inclusive and accessible CPD training for EAL teaching has been designed to empower all educators to better support EAL students academically and emotionally.

By equipping teachers with effective strategies and assessment tools, our CPD enhances classroom teaching, leading to improved student wellbeing. When students are taught with care and understanding, they not only excel in language learning but also build confidence, resilience, and a stronger sense of belonging – ultimately setting them up for a positive future.

Want to boost your teaching impact and support student wellbeing through CPD training?

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Free resources

We’re dedicated to supporting teachers with a range of free, ready-to-use resources designed to welcome and engage EAL pupils. With over 300 worksheets and grammar videos, our downloadable materials help make English language learning accessible, interactive, and fun. These resources are perfect for reinforcing key language concepts and providing EAL students with the support they need to thrive in the classroom.

Looking for resources to engage your EAL students? Access our free worksheets and videos to start enhancing your lessons today!

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Let’s keep the conversation going!

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the wellbeing and learning journeys of EAL students. Download a guide to share with your colleagues, friends, teachers and join the discussion to shape a brighter future for every EAL learner.

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FlashAcademy® is a digital learning platform designed to accelerate English language acquisition.

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  • Adapt learning around the individual
  • Include everyone with 48+ home languages
  • Start their learning straight away with remote access on any device

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